Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Willis is very upset when he hears the news. How will the boys fare without their cantakerous adopted father? Find out in the next update!
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  1. Whew. that was some work! Glad you finally managed to get the challenge started.

  2. Good job, SuziCat. I'm look forward to your next update.

  3. Poor Willis and his brother. *sniffles* Yay for the 3rd time being the charm! You and I will both have to study the piano fire scenario. I may attempt it one of these days. If I don't succeed in getting to $150,000 for all lots ... I'll have to try again. The thing I don't like about that is that the sims' genetics won't get passed around. :O(

  4. Thanks for reading, guys! Ange, I'm not sure what you mean by genetics not getting passed . . .

  5. Poor Mr. Drummond. Those piano fires are some of the deadliest things in all of Simland. D'oh! *waves bye-bye to attempt #1*

    Maybe Drummond has developed a resistance to piano fires after his first death? That's a pretty strong nanny, able to take an entire counter like that.

    Uh-oh, get outta there, Arnold! *snickers* Looks like your sims are rioting there, Sgt. Wow. *waves bye-bye to attempt #2*

    Buy a non-fire resistant piano next time? *giggles* Hmm, that music and dance lady isn't very smart, isn't she? *stares at the nanny* You sure this is the woman you want taking care of these kids?

    Poor kids. *comfort*

    (But why did you do your stuff with each picture as it's own chapter, instead of just doing them all at once, so we can read all the comments without loading the comment page each time? *pouts*)
