Tuesday, January 13, 2009

This blog is to chronicle the strange happenings going on in the lots of several families in the neighborhood of Sedona, a post apocalyptic Sims neighborhood. In three houses in the neighborhood, I will be doing "The Children Are Our Future" challenge, designed by the brilliant Jenn The Simmer Girl. The rules can be found here: http://jennthesimmergirl.wordpress.com/challenges . My first family is the Drummond family. Mr. Drummond has adopted little Willis and Arnold here and set up residence (unfortunately for them all) in Sedona.
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  1. Yeah!! Can't wait to see how their time goes. *snicker*

  2. whatchoo talkin about Willis? *groans* I'm so bad...
    Looking forward to their future.

  3. Phew success! I love that you showed your first two attempts it added to the dramaz!
